Ця функція доступна на нашій платформі для нарад у межах пакету Webex. Find out if your meetings use the Webex Suite meeting platform.

Some calls in Webex App have these features too.


Виконайте одну з наведених далі дій.

  • When you're sharing your screen or an application, click More sharing options more sharing options button > start annotationAnnotate.
  • When you're sharing a file or someone else is sharing their screen, an application, or a file, click start annotationAnnotate.

    In a meeting, you can also right-click on the shared content and click Annotate.


You can choose from the following annotation tools to start marking up the annotation:



drag the panel Allows you to move the annotation panel within the meeting interface for convenient access to annotation tools.
Вказівник на дошку Allows you to control your screen and move your mouse pointer. It doesn’t make any changes or annotations on the screen.
disappearing pen Allows you to draw or write on the screen using laser ink. However, the ink automatically disappears after a short period of time, allowing you to temporarily highlight or emphasize something without permanently marking the screen.
Ручка для дошки Allows you to draw or write on the screen using laser ink. The strokes made with the pen tool stay on the screen until they are manually cleared or saved.
Whiteboard textAllows you to use your keyboard to type rather than draw text with your mouse.
Гумка для дошки Allows you to remove or erase any annotations or strokes made on the screen. You can select the eraser and then click on an annotation to remove it.
відмінити Allows you to reverse or undo the last annotation or action performed. It helps you correct any mistakes or remove an annotation you didn't intend to make.
redo Allows you to reapply an annotation or action that was previously undone using the undo tool. It’s used to restore an annotation or action that was mistakenly removed.
clean up

Provides options to remove annotations from the screen. It includes the following sub-options:

  • Clear all annotations: Removes all annotations made by any participant on the screen.
  • Clear my annotations: Removes only the annotations made by you.
  • Clear other participants' annotations: Removes the annotations made by other participants, but not your own.

save Allows you to capture a screenshot of the screen with all the annotations and save it to your Downloads folder.

Allows you to manage the annotation permissions for participants. It includes the following options:

  • Anyone can annotate: Allows all participants to make annotations on the screen without any approval.
  • Others need to ask for approval: Participants must request permission to make annotations, and the host or presenter can approve or deny the requests.
  • Block all requests to annotate: Disables annotation privileges for all participants.

скасувати Provides options to stop or cancel the annotation session.

Ця функція доступна на нашій платформі для нарад у межах пакету Webex. Find out if your meetings use the Webex Suite meeting platform.

Some calls in Webex App have these features too.


Виконайте одну з наведених далі дій.

  • When you're sharing your screen or an application, click More sharing options more sharing options button > start annotationAnnotate.
  • When you're sharing a file or someone else is sharing their screen, an application, or a file, click start annotationAnnotate.

    In a meeting, you can also right-click on the shared content and click Annotate.


You can choose from the following annotation tools to start marking up the annotation:



drag the panel Allows you to move the annotation panel within the meeting interface for convenient access to annotation tools.
Вказівник на дошку Allows you to control your screen and move your mouse pointer. It doesn’t make any changes or annotations on the screen.
disappearing pen Allows you to draw or write on the screen using laser ink. However, the ink automatically disappears after a short period of time, allowing you to temporarily highlight or emphasize something without permanently marking the screen.
Ручка для дошки Allows you to draw or write on the screen using laser ink. The strokes made with the pen tool stay on the screen until they are manually cleared or saved.
Whiteboard textAllows you to use your keyboard to type rather than draw text with your mouse.
Гумка для дошки Allows you to remove or erase any annotations or strokes made on the screen. You can select the eraser and then click on an annotation to remove it.
відмінити Allows you to reverse or undo the last annotation or action performed. It helps you correct any mistakes or remove an annotation you didn't intend to make.
redo Allows you to reapply an annotation or action that was previously undone using the undo tool. It’s used to restore an annotation or action that was mistakenly removed.
clean up

Provides options to remove annotations from the screen. It includes the following sub-options:

  • Clear all annotations: Removes all annotations made by any participant on the screen.
  • Clear my annotations: Removes only the annotations made by you.
  • Clear other participants' annotations: Removes the annotations made by other participants, but not your own.

save Allows you to capture a screenshot of the screen with all the annotations and save it to your Downloads folder.

Allows you to manage the annotation permissions for participants. It includes the following options:

  • Anyone can annotate: Allows all participants to make annotations on the screen without any approval.
  • Others need to ask for approval: Participants must request permission to make annotations, and the host or presenter can approve or deny the requests.
  • Block all requests to annotate: Disables annotation privileges for all participants.

скасувати Provides options to stop or cancel the annotation session.

Ця функція доступна на нашій платформі для нарад у межах пакету Webex. Find out if your meetings use the Webex Suite meeting platform.


When someone else is sharing their screen, file, or video from your camera, select Annotate to send an annotation request to the presenter.


You can choose from the following annotation tools to start marking up the annotation:



Reverse or undo the last annotation or action performed.
Reapply an annotation or action that was previously undone using the undo tool.
disappearing pen
  • Pointer disappearing pen allows you to draw or write on the screen using disappearing ink. However, the ink automatically disappears after a short period of time, allowing you to temporarily highlight or emphasize something without permanently marking the screen.
  • Pen Ручка для дошки allows you to draw or write on the screen using permanent ink. The strokes made with the pen tool stay on the screen until they are manually cleared or saved.
in-meeting whiteboarding format text buttonAllows you to use your keyboard to type rather than draw text with the pointer.
Гумка для дошкиRemove or erase any annotations or strokes made on the screen.
clean upRemove all annotations.

Allows you to manage the annotation permissions for participants. It includes the following options:

  • Anyone can annotate: Allows all participants to make annotations on the screen without any approval.
  • Others need to ask for approval: Participants must request permission to make annotations, and the host or presenter can approve or deny the requests.
  • Block all requests to annotate: Disables annotation privileges for all participants.

save Allows you to capture a screen shot of the screen with all the annotations and save it.

Ця функція доступна на нашій платформі для нарад у межах пакету Webex. Find out if your meetings use the Webex Suite meeting platform.


When you or someone else is sharing their screen, a file, or video from your camera, tap Start annotation.


You can choose from the following annotation tools to start marking up the annotation:



відмінитиReverse or undo the last annotation or action performed.
redoReapply an annotation or action that was previously undone using the undo tool.
in-meeting whiteboarding toolbar hand pointer button
  • Pointer in-meeting whiteboarding toolbar hand pointer button allows you to draw or write on the screen using disappearing ink. However, the ink automatically disappears after a short period of time, allowing you to temporarily highlight or emphasize something without permanently marking the screen.
  • Pen Ручка для дошки allows you to draw or write on the screen using permanent ink. The strokes made with the pen tool stay on the screen until they are manually cleared or saved.
Whiteboard textAllows you to use your keyboard to type rather than draw text with your pointer.
Гумка для дошкиRemove or erase any annotations or strokes made on the screen.
clean upRemove all annotations.

Allows you to manage the annotation permissions for participants. It includes the following options:

  • Anyone can annotate: Allows all participants to make annotations on the screen without any approval.
  • Others need to ask for approval: Participants must request permission to make annotations, and the host or presenter can approve or deny the requests.
  • Block all requests to annotate: Disables annotation privileges for all participants.

To stop annotating, tap Stop annotation.

You can also Mute yourself while annotating content.

Неможливо розпочати анотацію в веб-додатку Webex Meetings. Після того, як хтось почне анотувати в додатку Webex для настільних комп 'ютерів або мобільних пристроїв, ви також можете редагувати.


Щоб почати анотування, натиснітьРедагувати.


Ви можете вибрати один з наведених нижче інструментів:

  • Колір змінює колір маркера.
  • Ластик перетворює маркер на ластик для видалення правок. Ще раз натисніть Eraser (Ластик) і виберіть Clear all (Очистити всі), щоб видалити всі зміни. Ви можете натиснути кнопку Скасувати, щоб відновити тільки що очищені зміни.
  • Скасувати видаляє останнє редагування. Ви можете продовжувати натискати скасовувати та видаляти кожне редагування, поки не повернетеся до останнього збереженого знімка.

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