Set up inbound dial numbers

After your users are ready, you can add dial numbers for receiving customer calls into your Contact Center. You can also view available dialing numbers and the numbers that are assigned to the entry points. To add an inbound number:

Sign in to Control Hub.


Select Services > Contact Center.


From the Contact Center navigation pane, select Tenant Settings > Voice.

Refer to the following for detailed options available in telephony settings:

Available numbers/DN

For Webex Calling:

Select the number that you want to map to this entry point.

  • The Webex Calling location main number doesn’t appear in this list. If you need to use that main number for mapping, change the main number. For details on managing numbers, see the article Manage Numbers in Locations.

You can't use a toll-free number Entry Point mapping without the appropriate entitlement. Use a toll number to map an entry point if you don't have Cisco Bundle 2: Inbound toll-free number access add-on and if the Telephony type is Cisco PSTN.

Entry Point

Choose the entry point to which you want to map the DN.


Type the dial number.

Enter ‘tab’ or ‘return’ after typing a number or number range. Use commas to separate multiple entries, for example, 2145551234, 2145551236-2145551239.


Click Add to add the number.


Click Save to save Telephony Settings.

You can view Available Numbers also in Telephony Settings.

Manage call settings

Call settings allow you to manage inbound calls by settings up short-call threshold, sudden disconnect threshold, default ANI, and flexibility to record the calls. These features help in enhancing calls experience for your agents. To set up or manage call settings:

Sign in to Control Hub.


Select Services > Contact Center .


From the Contact Center navigation pane, select Tenant Settings > Voice.

Refer to the following table for detailed information on the options available for call settings:





Webex Contact Center

Short Call Threshold

The time interval, in seconds, to determine whether the call is short or abandoned.




Sudden Disconnect Threshold

The time interval in seconds to determine whether the agent handles the call or the call ends. The time determines if there's an issue with the connectivity or with the behavior of the agent. You can consider a call as disconnected, if it terminates within the given time interval after reaching a destination site.




Default Outdial ANI

The default dial number for outdial calls that a tenant uses. If an agent doesn't select a specific outdial ANI (Automatic Number Identification) for an outdial call, the customer's caller ID shows the default dial number.

  • The dial number must be map to an entry point to be available as the default outdial ANI. For more information, see Entry Point Mappings.

  • By default, the first dial number that is mapped to an entry point is displayed as the default outdial ANI.

  • If a dial number isn't mapped to an entry point, the Default Outdial ANI field indicates Not Configured.


Records all call

If this setting is Yes, the system records all inbound and outdial calls.

If this setting is No, the system records the calls based on the settings for each queue.





Go to Call settings and set the values for required fields.

  • To select a default outdial ANI for the tenant, select the outdial ANI from the Default Outdial ANI drop-down list.
  • For recording all calls, click the toggle button to enable or disable the recording in Records all call option.

Click Save to save Voice Settings.

View concurrent voice contact settings




The number of concurrent voice contact sessions that the tenant is entitled to.

This entitlement is based on the following formula:

((Number of committed Standard Agent licenses + Number of committed Premium Agent licenses) x 3) + Number of Add-on IVR port licenses

One session (interaction) in surge protection includes all the inbound and outbound calls related to that session.

  • For zero commitment orders, the default value of Concurrent Voice Contact Entitlements is:

    100 + Number of Add-on IVR port licenses.

  • You can't modify value of Concurrent Voice Contact Entitlements.

Surge percentage

The percentage of voice contact sessions that the tenant can have, over and above the Concurrent Voice Contact Entitlements.

The default surge percentage is 30%.

Auto-reset surge percentage

If you toggle this to enable, Contact Center will auto-reset the surge percentage to default within the set override duration.

Auto-reset date

You can view this setting only if you have enabled the Auto-reset surge percentage setting.

This is the date when the surge percentage will be set back to default.

Maximum Threshold

The maximum number of concurrent voice contact sessions that are allowed for the tenant. The contact center drops any inbound or outbound voice contacts after reaching this threshold.

This value is derived from the Concurrent Voice Contact Entitlements and the Voice Contact Surge Percentage fields.

For example, if the concurrent voice contact entitlements are 300 and the surge percentage is 30% (default value), the Maximum Concurrent Voice Contact Threshold is calculated as:

300 x 1.3 = 390

  • If the Maximum Concurrent Voice Contact Threshold is insufficient for your business requirements, submit a service request to Cisco Support to have the value adjusted. Cisco Support adjusts the surge percentage to ensure that the required Maximum Concurrent Voice Contact Threshold is available for your tenant.

  • The Maximum Concurrent Voice Contact Threshold cannot exceed 13000.